Ozark Country Homestead

6 Best Succulents In Large Pots

There is a place indoors or outdoors for succulents in large pots, since growing this way will let you crowd a lot of variety in just one planter. Or if you like, plant a single tall cactus in a tall skinny planter to make a statement on the front porch. No matter which method you choose, succulents give some needed variety to any garden plan.

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Since these plants naturally grow in dry and harsh conditions they are ready made to stand a little neglect. They can droop and wilt and still come back like a champ and actually don't like to be over watered. Most succulents are fairly small plants and fit in easily with other plantings and decor.

aloe-vera-plants-medicine herb
Aloe Vera is a favorite plant of mine to have around the house. Also known by some as the medicine plant, it's sap is perfect to put on burns or cuts for healing skin. Aloe vera plants need good light, so they do best in south or west-facing windows. When growing aloe vera plants, plant them in a cactus potting soil mix or a regular potting soil that has been amended with or building sand, but it's best just to get the right mix
Hen and chicks was always a favorite plant with both my grandmothers. In the Old Days people shared starts of plants and when visitors came and toured their garden, they would comment on who they got the plants from. This plant works just as well as an inside plant as outside. Just pull off some “chicks” from the mother plant and start them indoors to grow through the winter.
Commonly called Snake Plant, but so are quite a few different plants that grow in the wild and are sought medicinally. This is not one of them, and is best called “Snake Tongue Plant” and grown as an ornamental. One thing's for sure – they are nearly impossible to kill. If you have a reputation for letting your plants die then this plant should be on your list.
There are actually a lot of Panda Plants that look different, but they are succulents that are grown mostly for the looks of their leaves. They look great when grown with other indoor plants and since there are several kinds they add a lot of variety.
indoor planter for succulents
Part of the fun growing succulents indoors it the types of planters you can use. Anything from a tin can to an elegant ceramic planter works great – just make sure you have good drainage on the bottom of the planter.

Can You Plant Succulents In Regular Potting Soil?

To make your own succulent soil just mix is 2 parts of potting soil, 1 part perlite, and 1 part sand or small gravel. Or if you want to keep it simple make a 1:1 mixture of potting soil and perlite. Anyway, cactus soil isn't always available when you want it, but potting soil, perlite and sand usually are. 

Don't use heavy garden soils, mixes that contain vermiculite, or any type that says it has added moisture control or retains water. Succulents need a well draining potting soil, not one that holds moisture.

You may be wondering what the difference is between vermiculite and perlite, and why one is good for growing succulents and the other is not. Answer: Vermiculite will mix with soil and help to retain water. Perlite, on the other hand, will add drainage to the soil that it’s mixed with.

Plant succulents in large pots using
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You may also be wondering about fertilizers for your succulent plants. They don't need heavy fertilizer, but they do need some – about 3 times a year. Just mix a 10-10-10 liquid plant fertilizer for indoor plants into your watering can at the lowest recommended concentration. For an overview of soil preparation check out this article on soil testing.

Succulents Grow Better In Large Pots

Succulents have shallow roots and do best in shallow pots. In They need just enough soil to let the roots and plant spread out

So, how deep should a container be for succulents? Answer: Succulents do well in a container that is at around 4 inches deep with good drainage. Use a planter about 1/2 inch larger than the base of the plant for upright succulents.

Jade plants are evergreen plants with smooth, round, fleshy leaves that hail from South Africa. Propagating jade is the most rewarding part of growing this plant, and the trick to propagating jade is understanding the conditions for jade cuttings to survive. Since Jade is succulent and dislikes constant moisture if they are kept too wet the moisture will eventually rot the very delicate, young roots. The thing to remember when taking cuttings is that jade grows slow and any “ugly” areas of the plant will remain until leaves and stems grow large enough to cover unsightly areas, so be careful where you trim. New plants will grow from either leaf or stem cuttings.
pincushion cactus succulent
Pincushion cactus come in bunches of different looks, but I can remember when I was young and looking at mom's cactus that it seemed pretty dangerous to have them around. I touched them with my finger anyway! These make cool arrangements because you can find the look you are thinking of real easy.

Why Do Succulents Grow Best In Large Pots?

Because they retain water well succulents thrive in warm, dry climates. This makes them perfect for indoor or outdoor planters and ideal for people who love low-maintenance houseplants. If they are outdoors consider sheltering them from rain. Succulent plantings grow well in large containers because they share the same climate needs and soil conditions. Large shallow containers work well, but a single tall cactus can do well in a tall planter with shallow soil.

Grow Succulents Indoors In Large Pots

If you want a gardening experience but the weather or outside space isn't cooperating, then try growing some succulents indoors. You can go on vacation and not worry about them dying while you are gone, and scatter them around your home for endless variety.

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