There are some plants that are just perfectly suited for container gardening. Most anything you have in your garden will grow in a container, but some things do much better. Some of the reasons may be plants that require constant attention to soil pH, plants that like either very wet or dry soil, and some that need full sun but do better moved into shade when it's really hot.
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Heat Loving Plants For Patio Gardening
Cherry Tomatoes top the list for best plant in a container. These are naturally manageable because of their compact habit. They produce fruit prolifically and work great on a vertical trellis.

Peppers of all kinds grow great in containers. It's a good idea to separate hot and mild varieties anyway, so by using containers you can do this easily. Peppers can actually live several seasons if they are not killed by frost, so you may be able to winter plants inside and enjoy the harvest for more than one year. Older fertilized plants can get really big with stems that get a woody bark on them. One plant in a 10 gallon container is enough.
Eggplant is a sun loving plant that works great in a container, but it gets big in hot weather, so just plant one in each planter.
Vining plants like cucumber, squash, watermelon and cantaloupe are nice in containers because if they become to invasive for the area, you can simply pick them up and move them.
Some Fruits Do Best In Containers
Blueberries are a good example of a fruit perfectly suited for container gardening. The plants are manageable in size and need constant attention to soil pH. Some of the worst freezing weather can kill blueberry plants, so you can easily move them into the garage for a few weeks and protect them.
Strawberries are so popular in containers that there are special pots just made for them. Plants are small so you can put several on top and around the sides of containers. There are so many choices in strawberry plants now that you can have some ripening most of the year.
Dwarf Fruit Trees For Container Gardening
These tiny fruit trees are perfect for containers. You may have seen some Facebook posts about growing citrus trees on the patio. With containers most people can

grow them on the balcony or deck in nice weather and then move them inside for the winter.
Dwarf Fruit Trees of many kinds can be grown where you might not otherwise have room for them. A growing container on the porch is a nice touch to welcome guests to your home.
Best Herbs To Grow In Containers
Culinary herbs that you like to use in recipes, but have trouble finding downtown are perfect to grow in various size pots. String these in among other plantings and harvest them as needed.
Medicinal Herbs like aloe vera are often grown in terra cotta containers and will grow for years without any maintenance.
Herbs that attract butterflies and grown in pots can benefit your other plantings. Strung around your yard, they will attract bees, butterflies and other pollinating bugs.

The best plants for growing in containers are the ones you really want to focus on. Containers with plants in front of your doorstep will welcome visitors to your home. DIRTBAG felt planters make a great gift for your gardening friends that think they have everything.