You may have seen examples of a therapeutic garden when visiting a hospital or nursing home, but have you ever thought of your own backyard as a place to get away from the rigors of a hard day? Gardens with places of beauty, quiet, theme plantings, small animals and birds provide a way to wind down and ground yourself.
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With respect to the healing qualities of a therapeutic garden we already find community offerings for the elderly, sick, mentally challenged, veterans and youth programs. Many a city park gives us walking trails and sitting spots to connect with nature. If you have family that needs that kind of therapy, then designing a place of your own might be a great way to put the yard area to good use.
Imagine if your home was the place where troubled family members could come to feel grounded, talk, think, relax and get back to square one. The only thing that kids remember for years to come is those special moments when they had time to connect – maybe a time for life changing decisions.
Therapeutic Gardening really fits into everyone's plan in some way or another, and truth be told that's probably the number one reason most of us garden at all. I know in my early years gardening was the activity that tied me to my parents and grandparents more than anything else we did. I have found a great publication you can check out to learn more about this subject.

I definitely find working in my yard to be so peaceful and satisfying. I’m frequently taking pictures of flowers in various states of blooming, and sharing them online. I’m hoping that a yard full of different varieties of flowers, and a vegetable garden yielding beautiful fresh produce, will have a calming effect on my family, too, as they come home from their stressful days away.
Thank you Marcia. I think gardeners are some of the few people who actually take time to enjoy the simple things in life.