Ozark Country Homestead

Enjoy Garden Greens All Summer With Amaranth

Growing good edible greens is easy in the spring when lettuce and cole crops are in their prime, but as soon as hot weather hits for late spring and early summer those plants bolt. That's the end of your own fresh greens from the garden unless you have something like Amaranth, which will provide greens all summer and fall.

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You can harvest Amaranth greens from container or raised garden bed plantings, or you can just grow them right in your vegetable garden. Since it's an annual plant, it won't grow next year from the roots, but might have some sprouts from dropped seed.

Eat Amaranth greens in salads or use the leaves and stems together in stir fry. You'll love the mild flavor and the nutritional qualities will make you feel great.

Order Amaranth Seeds For Your Garden

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