Ozark Country Homestead

Ozark Country Homestead

Hot Weather Tips For Cold Loving Container Garden Plants

Some plants like it hot, some like it cool but when you plant your garden in containers you can keep them all happy just by changing their location. On some days direct sun is just a little much for tender plants so moving them into the shade is all that needs to be done. In the Ozarks mid summer heat can burn up most anything, but moving plants to the north side of the house works great.

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My favorite way to control the type of environment for picky plants is to grow in containers. Moving your plants into shade or sun according to their needs is a great way to keep them happy. I have become especially fond of the felt growing pots because they are easy to move, lightweight with handles, and you can't over water your plants. DIRTBAG planters shed extra water and breathe, letting the roots “self prune”.



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