My wife can grow the most beautiful Aloe plants, but me – not so much. They are supposed to be easy for anyone to grow, but you know how it is, some folks got it, and some don't. I know what it is – they just like her better. Maybe because they can read my thoughts about how I'm someday going to squeeze the juice out of them.
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It seems that there is one way in particular that you can kill an Aloe plant, and that is to over water it. That can also have something to do with the type of soil you pot the plant in because it needs to dry out quickly between waterings. This means using a succulent friendly soil or mixing a good potting soil with sand so it doesn't hold water for long.
The Aloe plant likes soil that dries out pretty quick because of it's natural habit of using the reserve moisture in the leaves to survive. So, if you have your soil right then water no more than once a week. Another way to tell is to pick up (smaller plants) and see if they have lost substantial weight.
Tending The Aloe Vera Plant
Since Aloe doesn't need constant attention they are perfect for the homesteader who has lot's of things to attend to. If you leave your home for extended periods you will likely come home to find your Aloe plant doing just fine.

You would think a plant like Aloe Vera that grows naturally in the desert would like a lot of sun, but I have found that not to be true. After leaving one out for a nice sun bathing experience I found it blanched white and looking, well, almost dead.
Instead, it seems that Aloes like room temperatures and indirect sunlight. That's perfect for an indoor container garden on a porch or window. Also, you'll have a really happy Aloe if it can live on a covered porch with a nice breeze, partial sun and perfect temperatures.
When watering an Aloe plant it's best to give it a good, deep watering. If your soil is right the water will drain off that day and leave the soil moist. If it completely dries out and stays dry the rest of the week your plant will be pretty happy.
Water about every 3 weeks and even more sparingly during the winter. Use your finger to test dryness before watering. If the potting mix stays wet, the plants’ roots can begin to rot.
Making Baby Aloe Vera Plants
If you keep one of these plants for a while you may notice a new plant coming up beside the big one. That's how these things make babies – they grow out from the root of the original plant. It's not uncommon to see several new plants growing in the pot with the momma Aloe.
So, on the special day just dump out the pot of Aloes and cut the little babies away from the mother root with a sharp paring knife. Even if they cry a little, everything will be OK. Pot up the new little Aloes in their own smaller pots and repot the mother plant with some refreshed potting soil.
Keep that succulent soil type of mix so that all the Aloe family will have a home they will like. Farmer's Almanac says that they only need weakened fertilizer a couple of times a year, spring and fall.
Those baby Aloes make great gifts for your friends to add to their Friendship Garden. Pot them up in a special container and add a personalized plant tag to make your gift special.
Using Aloe Vera For Medicinal Remedy
The translucent gel inside Aloe leaves is made up of around 96% water, some organic and inorganic compounds, a type of protein which contains 18 of the 20 amino acids found in the body and lastly, Vitamin A, B, C and E. But one of the most crucial elements found in Aloe Vera gel is a complex carbohydrate known as acemannan. It allows nutrients to reach the cells, nourish them and at the same time relieve them of toxins.

That may be why this plant is so effective for treating burns, the main reason I keep one around. Burns are especially susceptible to infection and the cooling effect of the Aloe sap seems to immediately make a skin burn feel better.
It's not just for burns around the kitchen either, because we have treated cases of sunburn with equally happy results. Let it be known, I'm no doctor but I've experienced the healing effects of Aloe Vera juice on skin conditions enough times that I'm a believer.
It is said that the sap of this plant will also help with hair loss, dry skin conditions and even weight loss. I don't know about all that but it may be somewhat true. I have, however seen several warnings about not ingesting the juice. So, I'll just keep mine around for treating burns.
Always Keep An Aloe Plant Around
Keeping Aloe Vera around for a homestead remedy is just good sense and as easy as they are to grow it's the perfect container plant for your front window. Since my wife it so good at it we always have one around, and I'm going to see if I can learn better habits, too.